Enterprise Linux Security Episode 96 – Weaponized Workflows


In DevOps, there’s many great tools we appreciate – CI/CD workflows definitely being one of them. Github Workflows is one such tool, but vulnerabilities were recently found. Also, AT&T suffers a breach (and more!)

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 95 – Polyfill


In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss several recent cybersecurity news stories, including Polyfill – which is another example of why supply chain attacks are something everyone should be paying attention to.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 94 – regreSSHion


In this episode, Jay and Joao will discuss the recent regreSSHion vulnerability, which claims to be a path to root – although it might take a while. Also, recent developments with Teamviewer are also discussed.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 93 – Ticketmaster’s Weakest Link


In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss the recent breach suffered by Ticketmaster. Also, several new or updated news stories will be discussed.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 92 – Server Not Found


What would you do if your organization’s cloud servers were deleted? That’s exactly what happened to a Singaporean company, which found their servers wiped by a disgruntled employee. Plus, the FBI distributes over 7,000 unlock keys, and Europol launches their biggest botnet operation yet.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!Relevant Articles

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 91 – The Shared Responsibility Model


In the last episode, we discussed a story where a company literally lost their cloud – at no fault of their own. But what is truly your responsibility when working with a cloud provider? What is their responsibility? In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss where the line is drawn between you and your cloud provider.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 90 – Dude, Where’s My Cloud?


In this episode, Jay and Joao talk about a story that’s every cloud administrator’s worst nightmare – your entire environment, backups, everything – gone. That’s exactly what happened to UniSuper, a customer of Google Cloud. In this cautionary tale, we’ll explore the case of the missing cloud.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

Note: The video version of this episode was edited and re-uploaded, in order to fix audio issues.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 89 – Debunking Security Myths


There’s a lot for sysadmins to keep track of when it comes to security, so naturally there’s going to be some misconceptions every now and then. In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss some common misconceptions when it comes to security.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 88 – The 2024 Verizon DBIR


In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss the 2024 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), which includes some interesting finds regarding threat actor motives, how user error impacts business, and more!

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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