Enterprise Linux Security Episode 108 – 10 Tips for Effective Automation


Implementing an effective automation system can be an overwhelming task, one that can often fail – causing some organizations to abandon automation completely. In this video, Jay and Joao will discuss some effective strategies for implementing automation.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 9 – DevOps


DevOps has changed the way many technology organizations work, by making the administrator the center of the development cycle (rather than an outside resource). In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss DevOps and how it’s changed the landscape.

Episode 6 – Image Defaults


Although there’s no such thing as a “perfect” deployment image, including some sane defaults into your images and templates can save you a lot of work down the road, and also give you the opportunity to include more secure defaults. In this episode, we’ll discuss deployment image defaults as well as some recent news.