Enterprise Linux Security Episode 51 – Samba in the Kernel, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?!


Adding unnecessary components to the Kernel is generally a bad idea, as it increases its threat surface. In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss a recent story that’s a perfect example of why it’s important to keep this under control. A vulnerability was recently discovered in the Linux kernel that scored the highest possible rating, and it all started when ksmbd was added.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 50 – The Many Faces of Patching


When it comes to patching, were you aware that there’s more than one type of patch? In this episode of Enterprise Linux Security, Jay and Joao discuss the various types of patching that’s performed today.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 48 – New Malware, Old Vulnerabilities


While it’s certainly never a good thing to become the victim of a cyber-attack, it can be even more embarrassing if the CVE the threat actor used to get a foothold into your systems was patched a long time ago. In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss malware that’s currently taking advantage of vulnerabilities that were patched over a year ago! As important as software updates happen to be, why are so many organizations unable to keep up with them?

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 46 – Monitoring


If you’re in charge of maintaining servers and related equipment, what should you monitor? While monitoring is something that will grow and expand over time, Jay and Joao will give you some tips in this episode to get you started. Check out this episode for some tips on some of the baseline checks you should implement with your monitoring solution of choice.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 44 – Is Linux less of a Target?


In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss how much of a target Linux is, as well as some myths surrounding Linux and security. Also, there will be some news updates as well.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 43 – Grand Theft Data


In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss a handful of cybersecurity events in the news. While none of these stories are super exciting from a technical standpoint, there’s definitely some lessons to be learned. As part of this discussion, Jay and Joao will talk about topics related to the recent Grand Theft Auto leak, as breaches that targeted Uber, 2k games, and more.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 40 – Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery


Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery is huge concept when it comes to application deployment nowadays, and with good reason. Automating the compilation, testing, and other aspects of the development process increases efficiency and reliability. Security is another layer of a good CI/CD system, and in this episode, Jay and Joao discuss CI/CD and the security aspects of the popular deployment style.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 38 – De-anonymizing Ransomware Domains


When Ransomware attacks begin spreading, how would officials go about finding the source? Most of the time, finding the culprit(s) behind cyber-attacks is a very challenging task. In this episode of Enterprise Linux Security, Joao and Jay discuss some methods that were recently used to de-anonymize ransomware domains.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 37 – System Administrator Appreciation Day 2022


System Administrators are the heroes we need, and in today’s episode of Enterprise Linux Security, we celebrate Sysadmin Day 2022 and the many people that work tirelessly to keep our servers running.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 36 – First Live Episode!


In episode 36 of the Enterprise Linux Security podcast, Jay and Joao record an episode live for the first time.

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