Enterprise Linux Security Episode 93 – Ticketmaster’s Weakest Link


In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss the recent breach suffered by Ticketmaster. Also, several new or updated news stories will be discussed.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 89 – Debunking Security Myths


There’s a lot for sysadmins to keep track of when it comes to security, so naturally there’s going to be some misconceptions every now and then. In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss some common misconceptions when it comes to security.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 83 – FBI/NCA vs Lockbit


Through a joint effort, the FBI as well as NCA struck a major blow to the Lockbit ransomware group. In this episode, Jay and Joao will discuss this story as well as the state of Linux in the enterprise/open-source landscape.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Here’s a screenshot of the snarky message that was mentioned during the podcast.

Enterprise Linux Security Episode 81 – The VMware Graveyard


Here we are, yet again, with an industry problem caused by the decision of just one software vendor. This time it’s VMware that’s causing a ruckus. In recent news, it’s been reported that VMware will be killing off 56 (yes, 56) of their stand-alone products, and that’s on top of the news that broke late last year regarding changes in their licensing model. In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss these recent VMware-related shenanigans.

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 80 – Stop Paying Threat Actors!


In this episode, Jay and Joao will discuss an update on the GTA source code theft, how much threat actors are making from ransomware, and more!

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring this podcast! Check out how they can make managing Linux servers much easier.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 78 – Mirai: The Untold Story


The Mirai botnet brought the entirety of the internet to its breaking point back in 2016, taking down many prominent web sites. Now, an article from Wired has emerged that reveals the full story behind the scenes – how the threat actors got started, how the events played out, as well as what they’re up to these days. Join Jay and Joao as they discuss this very interesting story!

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring this podcast! Check them out to see how they can help you level up your Linux administration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 77 – Security News Sync


In this episode, Jay and Joao catch up on recent stories. Among the topics they’ll discuss another version of CentOS going end of life (and why upgrading isn’t so straight-forward), the recent curl vulnerability, and more!

Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring this podcast! Check out their Extended Lifecycle Support solution to keep your CentOS 7 installations supported with continued security updates while you plan your migration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 56 – Undercover Crypto Leaking


Ransomware is one of the absolute worst things that can happen to your organization, often resulting in weeks of downtime. We discussed Ransomware recently, and now we have an interesting and time-appropriate story – a popular ransomware group apparently had an imposter within their ranks.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 55 – Should You Trust Password Managers?


Passwords – for better or worse, they’re a reality and something we have to deal with. With the average person having many accounts, it’s gotten to the point where we just can’t manage these by ourselves. Password managers help us securely store these confidential secrets, but recently Lastpass (one of the most popular password managers) has suffered a breach. Although no actual passwords within vaults were cracked, recent events do raise a red flag. In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss whether or not you should trust password managers.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 53 – Digital Twins


By using clever infrastructure engineering strategies to increase reliability, you can minimize disruption and downtime for your organization. Another technique to consider is the concept of Digital Twin – having a full system clone/mirror you can use to test enhancements, perform a root-cause analysis, or more. In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss Digital Twins and how the concept can potentially help your organization.

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